Wednesday, May 26, 2010

One Opportunity for PWD Poets

I'm submitting to this. If you qualify, you should submit, as well. Sheila Black and Jennifer Bartlett are putting together an anthology of poets with physical disabilities.

We are ideally looking for poets with physical disabilities, although we are not excluding submissions from abled-poets writing about a poet with a physical disability. The format will be 3-5 poems and a short open-ended essay (750- 1000 words). The essay should address how disability manifests itself (or doesn't) in your work. The essay can also discuss identity or anti-identity poetics.

Please send 7-10 poems, a short publishing biography (include your book titles) and an one paragraph description of an essay you would like to write to AND

Deadline July 1st. Also, email with any questions.

Please see the request and description below:

Yet our goal is not to produce a book that is strictly polemical but rather one that looks at poetry first. The spectrum of poets writing on the topic, especially today, articulate disability in specific and surprising ways. While the poets who make up this proposed anthology are poets whose aesthetic lens has been torqued or shaped by their bodies, the group is eclectic as fits the topic—for not only is each disability unique, but even within a single person the experience of disability is a dynamic one.

Some poets we plan to include, while forethinkers in the poetry world, are not known as “disability poets.” Rather, they came to have bodily differences later in life. Some are activists and heavily entrenched in Disability Studies. Others, while not activists, write about their singular experience, in ways that are formally and philosophically challenging. In addition, the poets included represent many different modes and movements in modern poetry. Part of what is so energizing about considering the current landscape of disability poetry is the degree to which thinking about disability enlists or engages viscerally many of the core concerns animating other poetry movements from the New Formalists to the New Sincerity to the Gurlesque. The mediations on the body and commodification, and on the very nature and being of beauty, that drive many of the poets in this collection are concerns that are not only universal, but also acutely urgent in our times.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

One Opportunity

If you are disabled or have a disabled partner consider submitting to the anthology on disability sexuality. Submissions are open ended! Deadline for Submissions now OPEN-ENDED! - SexualAbility Anthology's MySpace Blog |

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Two Opportunities

I don't have a manuscript ready, but maybe you do.

The Annual Dream Horse Press Poetry Chapbook Prize
Guidelines & Information for 2010

The postmark deadline for entries to the 2010 Dream Horse Press National Poetry Chapbook Prize is June 30, 2010. To enter, submit 20-28 paginated pages of poetry, in a readable font, table of contents, acknowledgments, bio, email for results (No SASE), and a $15.00 non-refundable fee for each manuscript entered. All manuscripts will be recycled. The winner will receive $500 and 25 copies of a handsomely printed chapbook. The 2009 winner was Jason Bredle for Book of Evil.

Multiple submissions are acceptable. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but if your manuscript is accepted for publication elsewhere you must notify Dream Horse Press immediately. Entry fees are non-refundable. Judging will be anonymous; writers' names should not appear anywhere on the manuscript. Please include your name and biographical information in a separate cover letter. Please be sure to include your email address.

C. J. Sage is the judge for the 2010 contest. Close friends, students (former or present), and relatives of the judge or the press owner are NOT eligible for the contest; the judge reads all entries and will immediately alert DHP if a close friend, student, or relative has entered. DHP will then disqualify that entry and return the entry fee.

The Annual Dream Horse Press Poetry Chapbook Prize entries may be sent, following the guidelines above, to:

Dream Horse Press
P. O. Box 2080
Aptos, California 95001-2080

Make checks payable to: Dream Horse Press

Last Man Anthology

The Last Man Anthology is a print publication dedicated to the best of catastrophic literature and poetry. The Last Man Anthology is a tribute to Mary Shelley and her novel, The Last Man. “The last man! Yes, I may well describe that solitary being's feelings, feelings myself as the last relic of a beloved race, my companions extinct before me." Mary Shelley, 1824.

Stories we'd love to see: the last scientist, the last doctor, the last knight, the last dragon, and the last cell phone. Submission e-mail:

Thursday, May 13, 2010

3 Opportunities for Writers

Accents Publishing is happy to announce its 2010 Poetry Chapbook Contest. Two winners will be selected one by an independent judge, Richard Taylor, and one by the Senior Editor and founder of Accents Publishing, Katerina Stoykova-Klemer.

Each winner will have his/her submission published as a perfect-bound chapbook and will receive 50 free copies, along with a $150 cash prize. Additionally, the winners will be invited for a featured reading at a book premiere celebration event. All contest entries will be considered for regular publication with Accents Publishing, as well. For details please visit

Umbrella: A Journal of Poetry and Kindred Prose, published by Kate Bernadette Benedict, has just uploaded its spring-summer 2010 edition. Along with poems on general subjects, the issue features poems of "gall." Umbrella will be reading light-hearted poems for its Bumbershoot annual until July 15; more info on the Guidelines page.


Exot Books, a high-quality chapbook press in New York City,
is publishing an anthology of sonnets in 2010. Submit as
many sonnets as you like to the editor, Mary Meriam, at
sonnetexot-at-gmail-dot-com. Previously published is OK. The
deadline for submissions is June 1, 2010.

One Opportunity

This doesn't work for me, but it might work for you. Good luck!



We invite moving and well-written stories, poems, and memoirs on the following theme:
What happens to our understanding of ourselves and our place in society when we make the decision, as an individual and as a woman, to commit ourselves to a different social structure from the one in which we were raised? We are especially interested in the experiences of women who have chosen to become U.S. citizens and the impact this conscious commitment has had on them and their families. Does it change what has felt to us to be natural, unquestioned, in our own upbringing and development - or that of our daughters?

Some of us come to the States intentionally, desirous of and prepared for citizenship, some of us find ourselves here because we love someone else (parents, sibling, or spouse) who has that clear intention, or we come because we are escaping something worse and have been placed here, willy nilly, as refugees or economic migrants. Whatever the route to this decision, at the point we become a citizen we are making a choice and a commitment that are now uniquely our own. We not only engage with but are committed to the promotion of certain values that may fit us as poorly as borrowed clothes or as close as a second skin.

Here are some dimensions we invite you to explore:
What were the key steps in your own journey to citizenship? Did some, or most, of them take place after you became a citizen? What changed in your thinking, your assumptions, your hopes and your goals on the way? What people and events had decisive impact on your choice to become a citizen?

What do you as a woman wish to preserve of the customs and social arrangements of your culture of origin and why? How do you reconcile these customs and social arrangements with the core American assumptions of individual equality and the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

What makes you feel like a full American citizen with equal rights with native born U.S. citizens?

What makes you feel like a natural woman, in tune with your own deepest drives and priorities? Do these have anything to do with the values of the countries in which you have held citizenship? Are they in any way related to citizenship itself?

What have you learned about being a woman and about citizenship from your own mothers? If your mothers have made decisions around citizenship themselves, how has their journey been similar to, and different from, your own?

Who understands what you are going through? Who doesn't have a clue?
How, so far, have you used your vote?

Deadline: AUGUST 1, 2010
We make final editorial submissions on all submitted manuscripts only after the submission deadline.

Electronic submissions only.
Word or RTF.
Prose ≤5,000 words. Poetry ≤5 poems.

Payment in copies

Submit manuscripts electronically: